
Showing posts from 2020

Without a Paddle

The other morning I happened to be talking to a friend who exasperatingly made the statement, “I feel as if I’m up a creek without a paddle!”  As he continued to go into great lengths about his current plight, I remembered thinking, “Boy, I know exactly how he feels. I’ve made that journey up that very same creek paddle-less before and it’s no fun!"  As he continued to talk, I began to mentally wander back into my own memory of difficult circumstances and the lessons I had learned as a result of them. I remembered how I eventually learned not to panic, but instead to take a deep breath and acknowledge that God was in full control, and that I could trust his perfect timing in the matter.  The inflatable raft I was in that day, slowly drifted out into deep and troubling waters without my knowledge. The warmth of the sun and the lapping of the waves had lulled me into a deep and relaxed sleep.  Without warning, I was jolted to an upright position by the loud rumble of a thunder clap